Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Wiffle

Let it be said, there wouldn't have been a game today if Don Terpstra wasn't there.

There wouldn't have been
a game today if
Don Terpstra wasn't there.

This was one of those games where everybody got hits, everybody drove in a run, everybody gave up a run. Everybody gets a juice box, today.

Some people got more hits than others. Some people gave up more runs than others. But still, only one juice box to a man.

Matt, Peter - 13 runs, 20 hits
Don, Kurt - 2 runs, 11 hits

HR: none.

[The stats keeping was a little wonky on one side, I might suggest. We played five innings, which means 15 outs.  There were only 7 outs tallied, however, but that is compensated for in the stats, which are .. current.]