Sunday, September 22, 2019


Eight Greats met today on the hallowed flats of NBF to answer the age-old question that wifflogians have debated for centuries:  What Would Kurt Do?  The answer turned out to be surprisingly elegant:  just whip the ball as hard as you can at Peter's knee!  (Duh.  Obvee.)  But aside from the usual weekly duty of attacking each others' cartilage and dignity, these teams were just as evenly matched as last week's, and once again it all came down to the final batter.  But unlike last week's outcome, this time the batter---Matt, as it happened---delivered in spectacular fashion (spectashion?) with a walloping smash to dead centerfield that sailed just maddeningly out of reach of a backward-scrambling Andy to land in HR Country for the walkoff.  

Note:  Ok this is getting statistically bizarre now:  once again, for the second week in a row, both teams got exactly 17 hits...whattheheck??

Adrian, Andy, Eric, Hansoo = 17 hits, 3 runs  
J. D., Mark W, Matt, Pete = 17 hits, 6 runs

HR = Hansoo, J. D., Matt  

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Distilled Down To Its Wiffly Essence

There's a certain purity to a game of 3-on-3 Wiffleball, the kind that was seen today as two very well-matched trios faced off on a damp Nance Bradds field.  Peter's controlled eephus pitching was remarkably baffling, only allowing a few runs.  Which looked like alot like they'd hold for the win against the visiting Vans who just couldn't bring 'em across all day.  That is, until Andy found his footing and smashed two consecutive longballs to vault his team into the lead.  The Halens then mounted a valiant bottom of the 9th comeback charge but fell one run shy as the final out was made.  Shout out to J D for going 10 for 14 today.  

Note:  the Heroes of Strandathoning™ pre-game Vegas line (which closed betting somewhere in the third inning for whatever reason) on Team AEP predicted them to finish with 17 hits and no runs.  While they ended up with 4 runs, be it hereby noted that they did indeed end up with exactly 17 hits!  Which is oddly prescient.  Odder still, the other team also ended up with 17 hits.  Apparently 17 was just today's magic number.

Andy, Eric, Peter = 4 runs, 17 hits, 2 dongs
J D, Jeff, Zack = 3 runs, 17 hits