Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rhodes to Redemption

The soundtrack to James Horner's brilliant score to the 1984 Paramount major motion picture Star Trek III: The Search for Spock was released on Epic Records. The third track on that album, titled "Stealing the Enterprise," runs a full 8 minutes and 11 seconds. Trust me: in the world of 1980's franchise sci-fi soundtracks 8 minutes is an eternity.

The track is worth a listen. It not only complements the hi-jinks of Sulu, Uhura and Scotty as they set their plan in motion, but also deftly captures the emotional conflict within Admiral Kirk as he approaches the point of no return: the betrayal of Starfleet to redeem Captain Spock. It's powerful artistry, paired with virtuoso Shatner. For 8 minutes.

Eight innings felt an eternity for one Jeff Rhodes today. In his first spin on the mound, in the bottom of the third inning Jeff surrendered a previously unimaginable 4 runs. FOUR. The homestanding Zach, Pete, Matt and Eric Z had leads, built in no small part by Zach's THIRD STRAIGHT cycle, of 4-0 and later 5-2.

Very late in the game, it looked like the egg Jeff laid in the third would prove the difference in a loss for the Visiting Jeff, Adrian and JD. But this is October Wiffle.

So of course Jeff came to the plate in the top of the 8th inning with the bases loaded and his team down by 2. And of course he tripled to notch the 6-5 lead that would be the eventual final, winning, score.


Redemption is a dish best served... warm with autumnal hints of clove and nutmeg. And plenty of cream and sugar.

Jeff, Adrian, JD: 6 runs, 17 hits
Zach, Pete, Matt, Eric - 5 runs, 16 hits

HR: Zach