Saturday, November 9, 2013

The sun was blinding

Program Note: The role of "Chris Anderson" will be understudied by "Glen Cebulash" in today's wiffle action.

Another case of one bad inning.  "Chris Anderson" surrendered 12 runs in his one inning on the mound in a game that was otherwise very close.

Kevin hit a lot of balls that were lost in the sun about 20 feet past the home run line. None of them were caught - the sun was blinding.

"Chris", Eric, Kurt, Peter - 4
Hansoo, Kevin, Matt - 17

W: Campbell
L: "Anderson"

HR: Ha, Campbell (4) (that is not a typo - FOUR)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Eastern Standard Wiffle

Extra hour of sleep, Sunday morning wiffle.  Everything is great.  Until the Commish made the teams. then...

First Inning Dumpster Fire

Final Score Mushroom Cloud
Eric, Glen, Kurt, Kevin - 16
Hansoo, Matt, Peter - 0

W: Campbell
L: Lindsay

HR: None I am aware of; it was kind of a blur.