Saturday, April 12, 2014

We do Wiffle

.. and we do it quite well.  There's no doubt our Saturday gatherings and monthly homage to the "Ale" part of our name are testament to our collective dedication to our craft of Bat-and-Ball play.

I declare this the best Wiffle and Ale Club in the world!

I ask ye partisans of plastic to attune your mind to the assessment of a different focus of dedication, and to determine for yourselves and from there to develop a consensus on this simple question:

Which of these groups are the superior Trekkies?


Yes, that is a glockenspiel.

Five Year Mission is an indie rock band that has set for themselves a simply stated goal: to write a rock song for each of the 79 episodes of the original Star Trek television show. Thus far they have released 3 albums covering just over half the series, plus a special EP with four different songs for "The Trouble with Tribbles."

Here is a good representative sample of their musical stylin's:


Star Trek Continues has set themselves another seemingly simple task.  To make the final two years of the Original Star Trek series five year run.  They intend to write, produce and release (apparently free and without commercials) on the internet two full seasons of Star Trek. Here is a sample of their work (two full-length episodes already produced):

So, again I ask you, again.  Who does Trekkie better?

Oh, there was a game today. Eric and the Commish bested Tim and Krash Mosser.  Once again, Kurt homered.

Eric, Peter - 10 runs, 22 hits
Tim, Kurt - 6 runs, 18 hits

HR: Mosser (2)

Stats are .. current.