Saturday, September 24, 2011

Glorified BP

Humid and cool, only three players, so we played 1 on 1 on 1, but chose to keep only the chalk score. No paper. As can be seen by the final tallies, lotsa hits, lotsa runs. Nobody pitched great, but Dr. Mosser explained that he was "experimenting." This is apparently not the same as "practicing."

Somewhere along the morning Matt had a leaping left hand grab - with his cell phone in his right - taking a homer away from Peter. He had received an important text from his sister-in-law in Binghamton, NY. But the Lindsays taketh, and the Lindsays giveth away.  Same inning Peter hit a long fly ball in Emma Lindsay's direction and she ... let it bounce off her hands and over the home run line.

Later Emma had a nice single off Kurt; if we kept score, she'd be batting .500. That's my girl.

As the morning wore on, Matt ran out of gas but gutted through a long inning with Peter batting. Probably gave up at least half of those fourteen runs. In fairness to Kurt, he did not get his fourth time at bat because I had to get Emma to soccer.

Peter - 14
Kurt - 9
Matt, Emma - 7

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