Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stayin' Alive (the pitchers, that is)

Well looky here, guess who done showed up today? Brian Simpson! As best I can tell, Brian is here on a re-hab assignment from a higher league, because he sauntered onto the asphalt, went 3-for-7 and pitched two (more) hitless innings to raise his season's streak of PERFECT innings to 5.

Both of Brian's teammates, Eric the Bandit and Kurt the Thinker, pitched into and out of trouble all morning; however, let me not leave you in suspense - this game ended in a Nil-Nil draw (more on that below).  In Eric's second and fifth, and Kurt's third and sixth the final out was recorded via the K with runners on.  So were these effective pitchers or ineffective batters? I'll let the eyewitnesses decide.

Given all that, it was pretty much a strike fest. A couple of players reached bases but after the dust settled, there were 28 strikeouts vs. 8 fielding/flyouts and 14 hits (only one extra base knock, courtesy of Kurt's third inning double).

Peter, Tim and Dave pitched well, scattering 7 hits over six innings, with only two coming together in one inning - the first off Peter.

One inning the visiting team neglected to fill in the complete stat sheet, so all that can be concluded is that they didn’t care and they didn’t score.  The records are unclear as to who hit the last out and if any players were on base!  This is an unpardonable offense for which the Commissioner is considering suspensions for the remainder of the season in the best interests of Whiffle.  Stats has construed the scoresheet in the worst possible light for these "gentlemen."

Now what to do about scoreless ties??  We need your suggestions in the comments below.  Thanks for helping make a great game greater.


  1. 0-0 ties should be settled by "tee ball swings." Each player on the visiting team gets one swing at a whiffle ball on a tee. The defense does not interfere with the flight of the ball. Balls that land fair past the HR line count as a HR and a run. The home team then follows by the same process. If the score is still tied after one round, repeat. If the teams are not even strength (i.e. 2 vs 3) then the team with the extra player must drop the last player in the batting order.

  2. Or, each player gets one hit off the tee. The ball that goes the furthest wins it for the team, period! The ball must remain in fair territory.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing you put the tee on asphalt.

  4. In lieu of a tee, each hitter (and Chris) can throw the ball up in the air (to himself...or her) and smack it!

  5. Yes, I like the toss it up to yourself suggestion - still one swing only. That's a good change - doesn't require extra equipment.
