Saturday, April 13, 2013

Look what we have for YOU!!

There was a game today, in defiance of 42 degree temperatures and cloudy skies at 9:30 am. The final score was 10-2 and Peter made a boffo diving catch of a line drive and Hansoo had 14 hits. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Stats was there and kept score, but didn't play. "Too tired" he said from an opening night cast party. What evs. But Stats did keep score - ON HIS PHONE. And from now on, anyone with a smart phone or smart tablet can input the play-by-play and instantly update the stats tables!

You read that right: every wiffler's batting average and ERA will update instantly after each at-bat!!! We have achieved a stats singularity.

The current stats can be reviewed using the link in the right column (if you're not viewing this on a mobile device). One shortcoming is that the table can only be sorted alphabetically. This will have two potential side effects:

  1. Peter may mistakenly assume he is leading the league in everything (until Chris Anderson finally shows up).
  2. Everyone may mistakenly assume that Kurt is last in the league in everything (until Eric Zamonski shows up).
Neither of these things is actually true. Hansoo leads the league in batting, and Kurt and Hansoo have perfect 0.00 ERAs.

Peter, Hansoo - 10 runs, 21 hits
Kurt, Brent - 2 runs, 11 hits

WP - Berwald
LP - Mackintosh

HR - none.


  1. "Eric Zamonski shows up."

    Good one.

  2. it is also fun actually to play
