Sunday, April 22, 2012

New OW&AC Drinking Song

Sung to the tune of the Theme from Hogan's Heroes.

Wiffle heroes, men of bat and ball,
Saturday at nine we'll listen to the wall.
Wiffle heroes, raise up your beer-o's
You ask the questions
We make suggestions
That's what we're wifflers for.

Wiffle heroes love a good, big fight
Chalk up the asphalt, swing with all your might.
We applaud the people who laud us.
Hang out the bunting,
Remember: no running!
That's what we're wifflers for.

Never flinch, boys, never be afraid,
Pitches may hit you, but they cause no pain.
Ask not why, boys, don't clarify, boys,
Answer the call, and
Strike out 'em all!
We're wifflers forever more!

We should rehearse this at each Theory and perfect our four-part harmony by the next Wiffies.


  1. Would you like an arrangement for men's voices?

    1. Yes. I think an actual ale drinker should take the lead on this. Thank you, Damon. This would sound awesome with the acoustics at Tank's.

  2. Nice job, Matt. As Flaubert once said, "no good drinking song was ever written by a drunk". You're a testament to that old maxim, Matt, and a friend to drunks everywhere.

    1. I'm reminded of Winston Churchill's famous line, "Madam, I may be drunk---but you're on acid. And in the morning I'll be Bob Crane."
