Sunday, October 16, 2011

W is for...

Those that showed for a little Sunday Wiffle played 1-on-1-on-1, sans scoresheet, because G is for Glen didn't come to tally the marks.

The K is for Kurt, who continues to bemoan the fate of the Cardinals. P is for Peter "Pumpkin Artist" Berwald, who could have and should have scored more runs today.

There was unfortunately something on the lens and I can't quite make out who that third player was.  It's clear that he was no threat with the bat. Word is he gave up five of the six runs chalked. Someone was overheard to say, "It's like having Brent here!" I deduce from that statement that it was, in fact, not Brent. Simple logic.

The parade of hits off the mystery player are of no interest to the discerning reader. Rather let us delve into the first run - a home run surrendered by Peter on the first pitch of the game to Kurt. Today, the wall giveth and taketh.

Kurt smacked a high one to the roof, and it never came down. Here's a closer look:

This was ruled a "home run," giving Kurt a lead he never surrendered.

Kurt - 5
???? - 0
Peter - 1

[W is for wuss: for not owning up to my lousy day on the asphalt.]

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