Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Girls of Summer

[I dug out this old post, from before there was a blog and stats and acceptable pants.  Ironically, it applies today, just as it did then. - The Artist]

There was a dream.....once.  A pastoral dream, a simple dream.  That
dream was wiffle-ball.

But now, that dream is ended.  Where are the boys of summer?  Where have
they gone?  To Maine?  To France?  To Boy Scout camp?  The game, alas,
is no more.

Who now among us is prepared to suit up and play?  Kurt and Glen.
That's right, you heard me, Kurt and Glen.  The last men.


Maybe they are the first men.  Perhaps, like Romulus and Remus before
them, they will suckle the she-wolf of summer and found a new dream, and
a new league, on the now empty ruins of Smith School playground, where
once, men dreamed.

So go ahead and frolic in your summer manses.  Toss another euro in the
fountain.  Roast one more weenie, but never forget:  there was a dream!


  1. Welcome back, Glen. I recognize that prose.

  2. Indeed, indeed. This whole enterprise was better before it went Pro.

    Glen may yet be the Glen Galt of Oakwood Wiffle & Ale - bring the whole thing down that he may re-build it on a solid foundation of greatness.

  3. Who is Glen Galt?

  4. I disagree, Matt. This whole enterprise is what it is. It evolves. You've brought a great deal to the league; changing things certainly, but for the better. Big Profile=big target. DWI.

  5. P.S. None of that Ayn Rand shit!
