Saturday, August 21, 2021

Look to Your Laurels

You have to admire how the big stars of the 1970's did their best to hang on as the calendar changed into the 1980's and the culture evolved. I'm thinking of artists like Pat Benatar, Asia, James Earl Carter, Jr., ... Toto. They carried on as best they could with their sound but the new voices were dominating the scene - young Turks like The Alan Parsons Project, Human League and Dazz Band.

So it is in Wiffle as a new generation (for whom names like Cebulash, Mackintosh, Eldridge, Simpson, and even Mosser are nothing but grainy black and white images) are now trodding the asphalt at Nance Bradds Field and remaking the game in their image. These future legends, with their big-barreled black bats, and their artisanal sports drinks (no coffee and donuts for these whippersnappers) are transforming the game - and the stat sheets.

But some days, the veterans still have their way. Today a team made mostly of, shall we say, SEASONED wifflers took on a team made up mostly from... the new breed. And basically, the codgers had a day. And a half. Ten runs (all off the bat of Andy) on eighteen hits across an eight-inning pasting of the ingenues. 

So it can happen - even the Bee-Gees had a top 40 hit in 1989!! But it can't go on forever.

Adrian, Jeff, Mark M., Matt, Walker - 2 runs, 7 hits

Andy, Eric, Jim G., Pete, Zach - 10 runs, 18 hits

HR: Evans - 3 (7)

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