Saturday, October 13, 2018


It is believed that there is a rule that we don't play under a certain temperature. There is no general agreement about what that temperature is. Some say 40. Some say 35. Some say 32. Doesn't matter, 'cuz the rule is never enforced. We play if it's dry.

Here's what my phone said this morning. Note the temps. Note the gentle reminder from my phone to get my butt to the park.

We played. And five of the ten guys who showed up were glad we did. If you take away the 8-run inning allowed by Dewey, then it was a tight 1-1 game. But that's a BIG IF, so the actual final score was 9-1. And even that score seems deceptively close. The LongJohns really put a beatdown on the Mukluks - lots of base runners, lots of long at bats.

Peter logged a Mookie-like 6-for-8, including 3 triples and a homer, but just couldn't manage a double so - no cycle. His four RBI were also tops on his team (along with Tim Why).

Mukluks (Adrian, Bob, Dewey, Hansoo, Matt) - 1 run, 14 hits (OE: 0.07)
LongJohns (Eric, Fred, Mark W., Pete, Tim Y.) - 9 runs, 18 hits (OE: 0.50)

HR: Berwald (1)

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