Saturday, February 18, 2012

So it Always Goes

There is a situation in OW&AC that needs to be brought out in the open. You see, when you let in a nerd like me, and the nerd starts insisting that there be rules and stats, you end up with things like this:

"Attendance at Theory shall be counted in the stats." 

Now this seems as clear a statement of a rule that one could possibly craft, no? But all rules end up begatting judgments, interpretations, and clarifications! This one is no different. And so we have a problem - not that you let me in - but that you humored me! And here we are now trying to wrap our minds around what is "Theory"?

You see, yesterday, at 15:21 (by my e-mail) Kurt Mosser declared an "Emergency Theory" at tanks at 16:00-ish.  I was under the impression that only Brent could call a Theory, but I'm not qualified to be considered an expert. Reports are that Kurt and Dave (R-OH) showed and downed a few and are self-satisfied that they went to "Theory."

[Incidentally, if you could be a fly on the wall for a Mosser/Eldridge tete-a-tete theory-- what would you rather hear them discuss: wiffle pitching or US politics?]

So, now I put it to the 99% (i.e. those who can't hit their pitching): what makes a gathering of wifflers a Theory? If Kurt sends an e-mail and calls a Theory at Tanks 39 minutes hence, is that a Theory? If the Mackintoshes and the Berwalds both happen to be chaperoning the Sadie Hawkins Dance - is that a Theory? If Dave Bush is walking out of Graeter's just as Eric Zamonski is walking in, is that a Theory? If I see Chris Anderson at DLM, don't talk to him, but there is a wine tasting going on and we can smell the roasting chicken - IS THAT A THEORY??

I don't know. This is the problem with rules! I'm so sorry.

So, let's say it was a theory and update the Theory standings...

Baker, T

There'll be some prideful boasting on Aberdeen, I'm sure. Another stat in which Kurt leads the league. 

Big Honk!


  1. i've got no problem with this being ignored in the stats, or even in more ontic terms. but you might notice that the club page says i made the suggestion at 1225 pm friday (i.e. just after noon). the e-mail was sent much later, given the lame response to the fb page.

    as dave can attest: 1) we ignored politics and pitching, and spent our (my) time flirting with the waitress, discussing business, and generally rambling as incoherently as one can without brent providing the impetus, topic and insights; 2) given how fast my beer went down, and dave's madcap approach to bourbon, it was indeed an emergency.

    it ain't boasting if you can do it, suckahs.

  2. Mosser's juking the stats! A pox upon his house (which will henceforth be known as Mr. Moto's House of Wax Lips) and his trophies which shall be ritually cast into a pit of pure methane.

    1. Season opening BBQ at Mr. Moto's House of Wax Lips!!

    2. has that been confirmed?

  3. If given more notice I could have provided a list a topics for discussion.

  4. I think we should count Kurt's Emergency Theory in the stats. Also anyone can call a Theory, as I am uncomfortable with so much power, some need Theory more often than others.

    I say we have another Theory March 1 or 2, at Tanks (I am in Chicago this coming week).

  5. I think it would be good if we had a common understanding: because we keep the stats, they don't matter.
