Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh, well...

Wiffle was moved to Sunday in deference to the 2011 Care Walk. As it turned out, Sunday gave us..

So, what are you going to do with the time you would have been playing wiffle this morning? Let us know in the comments.


  1. Looking in the pantry I found an unopened box of Passover matzos. I'm going to make an apple matzo cake, making matzo meal out of the crackers in a food processor.

    It is amazing how quickly we grow nostalgic for matzo considering that we can't stand the sight of it on day seven of the Holiday.

  2. i used the morning to have a stimulating conversation with my hangover.

  3. That's enough peyote for now boys!

  4. Talking to a myriad of manufacturer's representatives in Chicago. Not quote as "stimulating" as Kurt's conversations.
