Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well fans, it was a gray day that found seven eager wifflers bounding onto the field of dreams at Nancy Bradds Park.  Four of the league's weakest pitchers (combined ERA: 28.85) decided to take on three of its best (combined ERA 6.60) in a classic David vs. Goliath contest.  There was little hope that our boys (Brent, Glen, Ben and Tim) could best these giants of the asphalt (Peter, Dave and Kurt).  Indeed, most predicted a slaughter of, shall we say, biblical proportions and, given the lineups, the general consensus was that anything less than total decimation was essentially a loss.

So, what happened you ask?  Well, Goliath won 7-3.  No news there.

But hey, wait a minute.  What's that?  You want to see that score one more time?   What was it again?  7-3.

That's right.  Your eyes aren't deceiving you.  7-3.  Puny little David scored three runs off the titans of the Funway and kept them to seven.  Sure, they won.  There's no denying that.  But, if you measure a game by more than just runs scored.  If you also measure it by something called heart and determination and the will to compete, then the real winners were our boys.  Your boys, actually, fans.  The ones who work a little harder, run a little faster, sit a little less (at the edges of their lawn chairs, I might add) and strive a little more.   So, they lost.  But they can hold their heads high, as can all who rooted for them.  Secure in the knowledge that deep down, where it counts most, our boys won and they won big.

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