That's pronounced "Warsh-ing-ton."
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Wiffies
The Rules Committee will also meet on Friday, January 18, 2013 at Tank's.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Before the Rules Committee
there comes a Wiffler and asks to address the Committee, but the
doorkeeper says he cannot grant admittance at the moment. The Wiffler
thinks it over and then asks if he will be allowed to address the
Committee later. "It is possible," says the doorkeeper, "but not at the
moment." Since the gate stands open, as usual, and the doorkeeper steps
to one side, the Wiffler stoops to peer through the gateway into the
interior. Observing this, the doorkeeper laughs and says: "If you are
so attracted to it, just try to go in, despite my prohibition, but
notice, I am powerful and I am the least of the doorkeepers. From room
to room there is one doorkeeper after another, each more powerful than
the last. The third doorkeeper is so fierce that I am afraid to even
look at him." These are difficulties that the Wiffler has not
anticipated; the Rules Committee should be accessible to all, he thinks,
and at all times, but now, as he takes a look at the doorkeeper in his
team jersey, with his large forearms, he decides it is better to wait
until he gets permission to enter. The doorkeeper gives him a chair and
lets him sit down at one side of the door. There the Wiffler sits for
days and months and years. he makes many attempts to be granted
admittance and annoys the doorkeeper with his relentlessness. The
doorkeeper frequently has little conversations with him, asking him
questions about his home and family and many other things, but the
questions are posed with indifference and always finish with the
statement that the Wiffler can't be let in yet. The Wiffler, who has
equipped himself with many things for his journey, gives them all to the
doorkeeper as a bribe. The doorkeeper accepts everything, but always
with the remark: "I'm only taking it to keep you from thinking you have
forgotten anything." Over all the many years, the Wiffler fixes his
attention on the doorkeeper. He forgets the other doorkeepers, and this
first one seems to him the sole obstacle preventing access to the Rules
Committee. He curses his bad luck, boldly when he is younger, and
loudly, but as he grows older he only grumbles to himself. After a long
time his eyesight begins to fail him, but he doesn't know whether the
world is really darker or his eyes are just deceiving him. In his
darkness he is now aware of a radiant glow that emanates from the
gateway of the Rules Committee. He doesn't have long to live. Before
he dies, all his experiences force a question to the forefront of his
mind. One that he has never asked. He waves the doorkeeper over, since
he can no longer raise his arthritic body. The doorkeeper has to bend
low to hear him and says, "can you never be satisfied - what do you want
to know now?" "All players yearn to address the Rules Committee," says
the Wiffler, "so how come in all these years no one but myself has ever
begged to be let in." The doorkeeper recognizes that the Wiffler has
reached his end, and, in deference to his failed hearing, yells in his
ear: "No other Wiffler could ever be admitted to the Rules committee
through this gate, since it was made only for you and now I'm going to
shut it."
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Rules Committee Agenda
Join in the celebration of all that is great in our game: BE THERE.
As your erstwhile stats keeper I humbly ask that you remember, too, the annual meeting of the Rules Committee that precedes the Banquet. I present, here, for your review and comment, the draft agenda for the Rules Committee:
- Call to Order (another round)
- Acceptance of Final 2012 League Statistics
- Election of the Commissioner for 2013
- Consideration of Rule Changes for 2013
- Clarification of the Grievances
- Adjourn (let's eat)
- Fair/Foul for Ground Outs - is it where the pitcher's feet are, or where the ball is (when fielded)?
- The New Jersey Tag-up Rule - would allow a run to score on a fly ball with a runner at third and less than 2 out.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Reportedly 21-9
When I had to leave, in order that my daughter may continuously improve on her swimming skills, it was 18 - 0. Am I to ken that AFTER my departure, only then was my team able to string together the necessary hits to assemble nine runs?
Supposing that removing my 0-for-3 from the lineup would be some boost, it is apparently the case that my home team brethren outscored the Visitor Overlords by a 9 to 3 margin. If one were to consider my departure a "change of game" then, I say the Homeboys won the second game 9 - 3 and the day amounts to a split double header. A draw.
Game 1
Jeremy, Ben, Kurt - 18
Glen, Matt J., Matt L., Pete - 0
Game 2
Jeremy, Ben, Kurt - 3
Glen, Matt J., Pete - 9
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Once again upon the boards!
In the words of one critic, "Lindsay's re-imagined Steampunk watchmaker, Herr Drosselmeyer, romped hair-raisingly across the stage. It was nothing short of bizarre!" It was in a word, exquisite; but not too much, so as not to distract from the real purpose of the evening: a showcase of the dancing!
I am the betting favorite to win a Tony at the Wiffies.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
An open letter to the Blog
Two weeks have gone by since the famous "suck" rant appeared on these pages. In that time, two games have been played, one theory session has been conducted and, oh, yeah....a President was re-elected. Where has the blog been? Take a look around this site for a minute. When was the last time stats were updated? When was the last time an article soared to the heights of rhetorc and stirred the loins of men? This place is looking more and more like Cabrini-Green. Romney grafitti, busted links, bitter comments sprinkled about like so many crack vials! On October 28 the blog said it was "Nice to be back bloggin' after all that acting stuff." Really? Because a T.W.I.W. fan can hardly tell. I think we've all paid a lot for this site, in blood, treasure and dignity. Start writing, Lindsay.....or else!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
This game...
Suck. Suck. Suck. Suck. Suck. Suck. Suck. Sucking suck. The whole sucking day sucked!!!!
Kevin C. pitched well.
Suck, Kurt - 2 runs, 17 hits
Pete, Kevin C., Glen - 3 runs, 13 hits
W: Berwald
L: SUCK!!! (Lindsay)
HR - none
Next week can we just go to breakfast?
Sunday, October 28, 2012
All Bluster
Da Commish surrendered the single tally by Kurt and Glen. But they had him on the ropes; could have been much worse, but Pete worked out of it. Home pitching shut them down the rest of the way.
But the talk was P.E.G.'s - performance enhancing gloves. Stats wore a pair of Carhart work gloves while in the field and in the dugout. He did not pitch or bat with them. Still, this was regarded as a questionable choice in light of tradition, manliness and the "rules." Had he dropped any of those fly balls he caught in centerfield, this is a whole different conversation, by the way.
Nice to be back bloggin' after all that acting stuff.
Eric, Peter, Matt - 12
Kurt, Glen - 1
WP - Zamonski
LP - Cebulash
HR - none.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Real Men Pull; Thespians Go the Other Way
There's been a couple of games. Some people drove in runs and won games. Others allowed runs to score and lost. These things happen all the time. Timeless ebb and flow of the game, yadda yadda.
Curious question arose during the game on September 29th. After the fifth inning of play, it seemed that the game was over as Matt had to leave in 15 minutes, and there wasn't time for another inning. Hands were shook.
But Matt offered to pitch a few and invited all who to take a crack in the box. And as it turned out he pitched a fairly brisk, scoreless inning. So Glen hustled back to the dugout and he and Matt proceeded to put up 7 runs on Hansoo to cap off the greatest comeback in wiffle history. Except that no one was writing these down on the scoresheet. So none of it counted.
So the question is, "When does a wiffle game end?"
When you stop keeping score.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
"Counterfactual!" says he.
Statement A: "If Mosser had struck out Berwald instead of giving up a dinger, today, he would have allowed only one run."
Statement 2: "If you disregard the players with fewer than 7 innings pitched, Lindsay is in the top three in pitching in the OW&AC this season."
Can you see the subtle difference in the two statements? One (A) asks you to imagine a scenario which did not occur. The other (2) filters outlier data so that the broader truth is revealed.
To wit:
Sunday, August 26, 2012
What Kind of Pitch is That?!
A hot August day began with a warm morning and seven wifflers at Nance Bradds. The game was no disappointment to those seven, nor the four spectators. Indeed the home-boys came back not once, not twice but three times to finally nail down this 8-7 win.
Of course to come back three times, a team must surrender the lead three times, and they did that, too. The Artist gave up at least a run each of the three times he pitched, including a three-run fourth inning. The Visitors rode Glen's underarm offerings to break ties at 0-0, 3-3 and 6-6.
But they could not hold their 3-0, 6-3 or 7-6 leads. Ben coughed up three-run innings in the second and sixth. After the sixth the score was knotted at six. Then came the Artist for his third trip to the mound (see above).
But after Glen surrendered the 6-6 tie in the top of the seventh, giving the Visitors a 7-6 lead, Professor Mosser and Stats set in motion a very elaborate ruse. Here's how it went:
- Kurt took the mound for the bottom of the seventh, and as he walked to the outfield Matt announced very loudly, "This is it - bottom of the last inning! If they don't score, it's over."
- Kurt retires the home team, giving up just a single and no runs. Visitors walk off the field and commence the post-game hand shakes.
- Home team is a bit puzzled and ask if game must be over.
- Matt responds, "Well, we've all pitched twice, and you all have pitched at least two times..."
- Home teams says they have time for one more inning. Visitors demur, and agree to one more inning.
- Da Commish pitches a scoreless top of the 8th.
- Kurt re-takes the mound to pitch the bottom of the 8th - Home team says it can't be Kurt's turn.
- Kurt puts on his best chagrined smile and tosses the ball to Matt, who commences his warm up tosses.
- Home team cries foul. Demands that Jeremy pitch.
- Matt insists we have all pitched twice.
- Da Commish checks the scoresheet. (Damn!) Confirms it is Jeremy's turn to pitch.
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Final Score was 8-7. The Home Team over zealously chalked runs from their walk off hit. |
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Whole Bunch of What If's
They didn't. It wasn't.
Very early in the game, second at-bat of the game, actually, Stats very nearly put two different foul balls through the hoop. Nearly a Grand Slam.
He didn't. It wasn't.
A little later, The Artist, with the bases loaded, hit a long fly ball more or less right at Stats patrolling center field. It came down past the homer line. If Stats catches it, it's an out.
He didn't. It was a Grand Slam.
In the course of a game these feel like key moments. Four runs you almost got, four more you gave away. But in this game, that potential What IF eight-run-swing?
Wouldn't have been enough.
Jeremy, Matt, Peter - 5
Glen, Dave - 15
W: Cebulash
L: Lindsay
HR - Cebulash, Berwald
- Matt didn't bring a scoresheet, which in retrospect may seem to be intentional. He gave up five in the first.
- Jeremy seems to be figuring this game out, compiling a nice string of hits today, and was the only Visitor pitcher not to surrender any runs.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Pitchers Duel
Kurt, Dave - 0
Matt, Eric Z - 0
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday Morning Wiff
former students of the Commish. Dave (R-OH) said it was okay because
they weren't actually Republicans (citing the Eldridge Clause of the
bylaws which limits the number of registered Republicans to one). Pete
and Glen got into a "maturity" contest - they both lost. Kurt hit a
walk-off home run. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...........
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
What We Mean When We Talk About Wiffle-Courage
“Fast cars, fine ass, these things will pass and it won’t get more profound.
Time is a game only children do well.
How can I love you if you won’t lie down?”
-Silver Jews, Tanglewood Numbers
Many of you will perhaps vaguely recall an “occasional” column in the blog titled “Profiles in Wiffle courage”, and a few of you will perhaps even care. Good for you, you few, because that “caring” is a form of wiffle-Courage. Or, to be more precise, the first step toward Wiffle-Courage. What’s the second step you ask? Excellent question and one, I might add, that I’m now prepared to answer in succinct fashion:
You want to know who the last man is? I’ll tell you who, it’s the rook, Jeremy Long. He may be new, but he instantly recognized what this game’s really about: lounging around, swatting helplessly at meatballs, moving slower than glass, drinking beers in the morning and dreaming of the badlands! It’s a smile and a shoeshine! A thousand acres of green grass! A sky so blue it makes you cry. In a word, it’s Love.
No wiffle, no justice.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Superlative Game Story
Like the pairing of Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck or Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman or Georgie Jessel and Sophie Tucker, the seemingly indestructible duo of Dave and Kurt, those Titans of the Tarmac, those Alexanders of the Asphalt just can't seem to get the job done.
In Saturday's statistically insignificant game Dave, Kurt and new man Jeremy (henceforth known as "Human Rain Delay") went up against Pete and Glen and dominated the morning, going into the last inning with a 5-0 lead. With "HRD" on the mound in the top of the third they managed to surrender 7 runs (along with their pride, dignity and reputations), conceding what some around the league are now calling the "greatest" comeback of the season.
Perhaps in the future, these Sultans of Stats will opt to oppose one another instead of joining forces. If not, the blog has one word for them: Ishtar.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Warning: Blog Stat!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Try Not To Let It Get To Your Head
With me so far?
One can see they they are the same, really, but just vary in degree. Wiffle is played before small crowds in niche venues. Base ball is played in front of tens of thousands of fans in stadia that do not allow for any meaningful interaction with the athletes.
And now to my point: in each wiffle at-bat many things are possible; in each base ball at-bat many many things are possible. And in both games, most of the possible things .. are bad. Think about it. There are four kinds of hits and six ways to be put out. It has to be that way; if outs were hard to come by the first Wiffle game would still be going on.
So a Wiffler must not dwell on the last game, the last inning-pitched or the last at-bat. Did you ground into a double play with the bases loaded last week? Forget it. Did you go 18-for-31 in your last two games? Put it out of your mind. Strike out the side did you? That was then, this is now.
You are in this at-bat, in this inning, in THIS game.
In today's play, some players put early strikeouts aside and assembled a nice string of ABs. Others dwelt in deepening pits of gloom through much of the game. Some were throwing bats in the second inning.
Home standing Dave E., Kurt and Brent hosted Pete, Stats and rookie of the year candidate Kevin "Kid" Campbell in a six inning affair in perfect weather. Kurt and Dave lived up to their pitching reputations, combining on four scoreless innings, but neither really got the bats going. When they weren't pitching, the Visitors were putting together three-run innings against Brent.
Kid Campbell capped off the scoring with a 2-out, bases-loaded triple in the fifth, filling out the 6-0 final score. A nice start to his Wiff career Kevin C. went 5-for-11 (including a 2B and a 3B) and 3 rbi. But, don't let it get to your head. Next week is a whole 'nuther game.
Pete, Matt, Kevin C. - 6 runs, 16 hits
Brent, Dave E., Kurt - 0 runs, 5 hits
W: Lindsay
L: Mackintosh
HR: none (when does Glen come back?)
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Let it go. Just let it go. |
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Bastille Day Blowout
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I don't always play wiffle, but when I do... I kick butt. |
Friday, July 13, 2012
All-Star Game - July 11, 2012
AL starter, Matt Lindsay did manage to escape a first inning bases loaded jam, but after that the NL All Stars scored 2 runs in the 2nd, 4 in the 3rd, 2 in the 4th, and 1 in the 5th. Kind of a piling on situation, one might say, as all they needed was 1.
AL batters were hitless into the fourth. I really thought we might have the OW&AC's first ever PERFECT GAME. It was not to be as Kev Gutekunst managed a seeing-eye single off NL pitcher Mosser to lead off the 4th. In the bottom of the sixth, the AL managed to load the bases, but Brent Mack induced a game ending grounder to preserve the shutout.
Brent, Eric, Kurt - 9 runs, 24 hits
Kevin, Matt, Peter - 0 runs, 4 hits
W: Mosser
L: Gutekunst
HR - None
Mack - 8 for 15, 3 RBI
Bandit - 7 for 14, 3 doubles, 2 RBI
Krash - 10 for 14, triple, 4 RBI
Guts - 2 for 8
Stats - 0 for 7
Commish - 2 for 7
Monday, July 9, 2012
A rare Saturday game - June 23, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Solstice Wiffle
Krash Mosser plated all four runs for his team with two 2-rbi triples, coming in consecutive at-bats in the top of the fifth inning off Flo Anderson. The Homeboys scored three in the third inning off Guts Gutekunst, who returned to the mound in the sixth to throw a shutdown inning.
Rookie of the Year candidate (i.e. new guy) Erik K. hurled two scoreless innings, as did the Commish. Krash and Stats each threw three scoreless.
Kurt, Peter, Kevin - 4 runs, 9 hits
Chris, Erik, Matt - 3 runs, 8 hits
W: Mosser
L: Anderson
S: Mosser
HR - none
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Charge of Pete and Kev
Half an inning onward,
All on the asphalt of Nance Bradds Field
Rode Pete and Kev.
'Forward, the hitters!
Charge for extra bases!' he said:
Onto the asphalt of Nance Bradds Field
Rode Pete and Kev.
'Forward, the hitters!'
Was there a spectator dismayed?
Not that the players knew
Some one had blundered, but
Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die:
Onto the asphalt of Nance Bradds Field
Rode Pete and Kev.
Fielders to right of them,
Fielders to left of them,
Pitcher in front of them
Overhanded and undered;
Stormed at with bat and pluck
Boldly they played and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode Pete and Kev.
Flashed all their bats bare,
Flashed as they swung in air
Swatting at the mighty strokes
Charging like a storm, while
All the town wondered:
Plunged in the chalky dust
Nineteen runs they gave to
Kurt and Glen
Reeled from the bat-stroke
Shattered and sundered
Others would have gone under
But not Pete and Kev.
Fielders to the right of them,
Fielders to left of them,
Pitcher in front of them
Overhanded and undered;
Stormed at with bat and pluck,
While Pete and Kevin fell,
They that had played so well
Came through the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of Pete and Kev.
When can their glory fade ?
O the futile charge!
All the town wondered.
Honor the charge they made!
Honor the sacrifice laid,
Noble Pete and Kev!
Glen, Kurt - 19
Pete and Kev - 6
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Farewell, Cpl. Peter Newkirk
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day Scoresheet
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Infantryman, by da Commish |
- Peter's two scoreless innings of pitching.
- Matt and Kurt each went 8-for-12 at the plate.
- Glen's third inning Grand Slam.
- The Visitors' late comeback in the fourth and fifth innings.
- Fred's scoreless pitching in the sixth for the save.
What a Piece of Work
What a piece of work is a Wiffler, how noble in batting, how
infinite in pitches, in fielding and swing how express and
admirable, in sitting how like an angel, in chalking-runs how like
a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of athletes—and yet,
dear friends, what is this quintessence of plastic?
Fred, Kurt, Matt - 7 r, 19 h
Dave, Glen, Pete - 5 r, 12 h
W: Mosser
L: Cebulash
S: Kirchner
HR: Cebulash (Grand Slam) - his 8th.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Steamed and Pressed
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wiffle Picture Puzzler
Saturday, May 19, 2012
That Game in May
Nothing could diminish the the joy of playing the game. Not even finding a big ass truck parked in the deep outfield.
Fortunately, the aforementioned Zamonski always has purple spray paint handy. Thus we were able to make lemons into lemonade:
And for four of our number the game lived up to the idyllic conditions. Seven crisp innings were played featuring lead changes, gold-glove defense, some tough pitching, and a close win for the Visitors
Scoreless into the bottom of the third, Ben Montague made his return to the rubber. Rudely greeted by the Home team, and surrendered two runs, both driven in by da Commish, including a triple under the truck.
The lead was short-lived, though as Glen took his turn to pitch and allowed five runs on seven consecutive one-out hits (the last a double by Fred "The Poet" Kirchner), giving the Visitors the five runs they'd need for today's win.
- It was also "Bring your wife to the game day." Kirsten Halling, Karen Lindsay and Michelle Eldridge each paid visits and witnessed the jocularity.
- The only sour note on Fred's stellar plate work, was that he still runs to first after each hit. I guess it works for him, but it is unbecoming a wiffler. Be sure to attend the next Theory, as there will be a round on The Poet; such was the fine imposed by da Commish.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Double Header! Wiff followed by Theory
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Derby Day
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Final score: H to 12. |
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Intra-squad Game
Sunday, April 22, 2012
New OW&AC Drinking Song
Saturday at nine we'll listen to the wall.
Wiffle heroes, raise up your beer-o's
You ask the questions
We make suggestions
That's what we're wifflers for.
Wiffle heroes love a good, big fight
Chalk up the asphalt, swing with all your might.
We applaud the people who laud us.
Hang out the bunting,
Remember: no running!
That's what we're wifflers for.
Never flinch, boys, never be afraid,
Pitches may hit you, but they cause no pain.
Ask not why, boys, don't clarify, boys,
Answer the call, and